Welcome to our backyard vineyard, nestled in the heart of Orange County! Here you can follow the life of our vines, from planting to harvest. Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Growing Season

Thankfully, most of the rigorous, back-breaking work has finished at Willow Vines. We are now playing a waiting game, consisting mostly of drinking wine while watching the quick, steady growth of the vines. It is amazing to see how quickly they are growing - some have almost reached the first wire! Incredibly, the Montapulciano plants have even begun to produce tiny grapes.

Not everything has been so easy, however. We started to find small black caterpillars on a few of the plants, eating their way through the leaves. Luckily, the problem does not seem to be a big one, and we should not have to resort to drastic measures (other than picking the rascals off their victims and effectively squishing them into oblivion).

Below you will see the current vine growth.

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