Welcome to our backyard vineyard, nestled in the heart of Orange County! Here you can follow the life of our vines, from planting to harvest. Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Monday, January 18, 2010

As It Stands Now...

Before we start staking and digging up the yard, I wanted to post some pictures of the yard in its current state.

View from the side driveway

Future home of blackberries and raspberries

Banana tree that will stay put

View toward the side driveway

Clementine tree that will be relocated for the sake of the wine :)

Our official "Vineyard Kitty", Sam

Avocado tree and overflowing compost heap

Opposite side of the yard

RIP Fred, the little palm that was pretty much dead when we bought our house. He will be resurrected one day!

Homemade wine bar

Willow Vines

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