Welcome to our backyard vineyard, nestled in the heart of Orange County! Here you can follow the life of our vines, from planting to harvest. Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Continued

Spring is in the Air

It's been awhile since we've posted - the vines spent the winter dormant, soaking up the generous rain we had this year.

Last month, we noticed that the cab franc was starting to bud...before we knew it, we had lots of growth - far more than last year! These pictures were taken at the beginning of March - more pictures of recent growth to follow shortly...

Sunday, June 6, 2010


In order to produce fine vineyards, one must frequently conduct research in order to learn a variety of local growing techniques.

In May, we visited beautiful Paso Robles and stopped at three vineyards/wineries: Peachy Canyon, Jack Creek, and Chateau Margene. We were lucky enough to be given a personal vineyard tour by the owner of Jack Creek, who showed us the correct way to prune vines. We discussed our own vineyard with him, and he gave us tips and pointers for producing successful growth during this fragile time period. A big thank you to Doug at Jack Creek!

Our "research" purchase.

This weekend we went to Disney's California Adventure, where they have working vineyards and a winery-style restaurant. Although the newly remodeled restaurant won't be open until next week, we were able to see the vineyards. We hope to visit the restaurant next time we are there!

Growing Season

Thankfully, most of the rigorous, back-breaking work has finished at Willow Vines. We are now playing a waiting game, consisting mostly of drinking wine while watching the quick, steady growth of the vines. It is amazing to see how quickly they are growing - some have almost reached the first wire! Incredibly, the Montapulciano plants have even begun to produce tiny grapes.

Not everything has been so easy, however. We started to find small black caterpillars on a few of the plants, eating their way through the leaves. Luckily, the problem does not seem to be a big one, and we should not have to resort to drastic measures (other than picking the rascals off their victims and effectively squishing them into oblivion).

Below you will see the current vine growth.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Breaking Buds

The vineyard is starting to take shape as we lay down plastic to deter pesty weeds, and calico rocks to enhance aesthetics.

After the bud breaks, tender green leaves emerge.

Most of the vines have breaking buds at this point, so we have removed the protective cups to expose the vines to the sun and circulating air.

In the next 3-4 weeks, the shoots will begin growing a few inches per week. We can't wait!

We took some time this weekend to check out some cabernet vines displayed at the OC Great Park in Irvine.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today...we planted!

Soaking the roots in water before planting to ensure plenty of moisture.

Placing the stakes in each hole.

Ummm, excuse me, some of us are trying to work!

We cut the stakes in half - one for each vine.

All staked out and ready for some flora!

Please drive under 25mph in the vineyard. This area is radar enforced.

Tempranillo for my buddy Ashley. :)

Someone was getting a little aggressive with the dirt.

Some nutrient-enriched dirt into the hole and...

The first plant goes in...

Our first born. Itty bitty bebe.


Montepulciano. More info on this grape to come...

The little bitty baby plants.

We made sure to thoroughly water all the babies.

We used cold cups as shelters and covered each plant with dirt for protection against the elements.

Action shot.

Paul came over to help and got very silly and giggly. Probably from the bottle of wine we had with lunch...


It is custom in Europe to feed baby vines some wine once they are planted. Who are we to argue with tradition? Of course, we used the finest wine possible.

Ginger looks really thrilled to help out.

Neighbor Evelyn helped sing a nursery rhyme to the babies about how to grow with the rain and the sun and the fun, fun, fun!

Someone may have accidentally poured red wine on the Sauvignon Blanc babies...blasphemy.

Think someone may have put a bit of that fine wine into a party cup. Taking a break, are we?

At least someone is working around here!

The result after 1 week? Itty Bitty Baby Buds. Ready to take on the world.

Grow baby, grow!